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Boy Scout Troop 4015
(New Albany, Indiana)
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Scout Awards

National Outdoor Awards National Outdoor Awards are a relatively new award for Scouts "designed to recognize a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout who has exemplary knowledge and experience in performing high-level outdoor activities." There are five areas for this award (Riding, Hiking, Camping, Aquatics, and Adventure). For all segments, the first requirement is to have earned First Class rank. In addition to the basic award for each category, there are additional levels to these awards based upon additional miles, days, or whatever is relevant. Here are the requirements for each award:

1. Earn First Class rank.
2. Earn Camping Merit Badge.
3. Earn 2 of the following 3 merit badges: Cooking, First Aid, Pioneering.
4. Complete 25 days and nights of camping-including 6 consecutive days (5 nights) of resident camp under the auspices of the BSA - including the nights included in requirements 1 through 3 above. A gold device is earned for each additional 25 nights.

1. Earn First Class rank.
2.Earn the Hiking and Orienteering Merit Badges
3. Complete 100 miles of hiking or backpacking under the auspices of the BSA, including the miles hiked in requirements 1 and 2. A gold device may be earned for each additional 50 miles hiked. A silver device is earned for each additional 100 miles hiked. The Scout may wear any combination of devices totaling his current number of miles hiked.

1. Earn the First Class Rank.
2. Earn the Swimming and Lifesaving merit badges.
3.Earn the Mile Swim BSA award.
4. Earn at least one of the following merit badges: Canoeing, Rowing, Small Boat Sailing, Whitewater.
5.Complete at least 50 hours of on-the-water time in any combination of swimming, canoeing, rowing, small boat sailing activity under the auspices of the BSA including time spent in requirements 2 and 3.

1. Earn the First Class Rank.
2.Complete at least one of the following: (a.) Cycling merit badge plus 100 miles, or (2.) Horsemeanship merit badge plus 50 miles and any combination of 10 hours riding on a stock animal.
3. Complete 200 miles of riding activities, either on a non-motorized bicycle or stock animal under the auspices of the BSA including the miles in requirement 2.
A gold device may be earned for each additional 100 miles.

1. Earn the First Class Rank.
2. Complete either the Wilderness Survival or Emergency Preparedness merit badge.
3. Complete 10 of any combination or repetition  of the following Adventure activities under the auspices of the BSA:
    a. A backpacking trip lasting 3 or more days and covering more than 20 miles without resupply.
    b. A canoeing, rowing or sailing trip lasting 3 or more days and covering more than 50 miles.
    c. A whitewater trip lasting 2 or more days and covering more than 20 miles.
    d. A climbing activity on open rock, following Climb On Safely principles, that includes camping.
    e. Earn the National Historic Trails Award.
    f. Earn the 50-Miler Award.
    g. Attend  any national high adventure base or any nationally recognized local high adventure program (at discretion of unit leader, local high adventure activity that meets criteria may be counted).

Items 3a-g may be repeated as desired. A single activity that satisfies multiple items in 3a-g may be counted multiple times (i.e., earning a 50-Miler while attending Philmont, which also counts as a backpacking trip).  
Troop Awards

National Outdoor Challenge Unit Award

National Outdoor Challenge Unit Award

This Award is meant for Boy Scouts.

The National Outdoor Challenge is a unit award that recognizes troops that maintain or increase the amount of outdoor activity when compared to the previous year.

The recognition is a streamer for the unit's flag.
(The actual streamer may be different than this image)

With the release of this award, the
National Camping award has been discontinued.


To earn this award, the unit states on the application that it has:

  1. Developed an annual plan for the current year.
  2. Conducted 10 outdoor trips or activities with at least 50 percent of the registered youth participating OR increased the number of outdoor trips or activities compared to the previous year.
  3. Attended long-term resident camp or a local/national high-adventure experience of at least six days/five nights.
  4. Conducted at least one outing with a Webelos Scout den.
  5. Earned at least one outdoors-related* merit badge per Scout.
  6. Conducted at least one Leave No Trace program during the calendar year for a minimum of 50 percent of the members.

Note: Outdoors-related merit badges are: Backpacking, Camping, Canoeing, Climbing, Cooking, Cycling, Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Science, First Aid, Fish and Wildlife Management, Fishing, Fly-Fishing, Forestry, Hiking, Lifesaving, Orienteering, Pioneering, Rowing, Scuba, Snow Sports, Soil and Water Conservation, Swimming, Water Sports, Whitewater.

The unit leader completes the
National Outdoor Challenge application and submits it to the local council camping committee.

Next Award Boy Scout Awards

Icon File Name Comment  
outdoor challenge application.pdf National Outdoor Challenge Unit Award Application  
Adult Awards

Unit Leader Award of Merit

Unit Leader Award of Merit


Quality unit leadership is the key to a quality unit program—and it leads to better Scout retention. Statistics show that if

young people stay engaged in the program for at least five years, the BSA’s influence likely will stay with them for the rest

of their lives. A quality Scouting experience will help keep Scouts in the program, and the Boy Scouts of America created

the Unit Leader Award of Merit to recognize the quality unit leaders who make that happen.

The Unit Leader Award of Merit replaces the Scoutmaster, Varsity Team Coach, and Venturing Crew Advisor award of

merit programs. This new recognition has revised requirements, and Cubmasters are also eligible for this recognition.


The nominee must

1. Be a currently registered Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Coach, or Advisor who has served in that position at least 18

continuous months.

2. Meet the training requirements for the registered position.

3. Distribute a printed or electronic annual unit program plan and calendar to each family in the unit.

4. Have a leader succession plan in place.

5. Effectively use the advancement method so that at least 60 percent of the unit’s youth have advanced at least once

during the last 12 months.

6. Cultivate a positive relationship with the chartered organization.

7. Project a positive image of Scouting in the community.

Nomination Procedure

1. The unit committee chair completes the Unit Leader Award of Merit Nomination Form on behalf of the unit

committee. For Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Venturer crews, the nomination must include

endorsement by the senior patrol leader, team captain, or crew president, respectively.

2. The unit or district commissioner certifies that the form is complete.

3. The unit submits the nomination form to the council for approval by the Scout executive and council commissioner

or president.


The council is resposible for processing the award.


The Award

Upon receipt of the approved nomination form, the council may present the Unit Leader Award of Merit, which includes

a certificate, square knot with the appropriate device, and a special unit leader emblem. Recognition of this achievement

may be presented at appropriate district or council events, such as district or council leader recognition dinners, training

events, and board meetings.

The award may be presented for each program, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity, and Venturing, if the individual meets the

requirements in each program. Only one knot is worn with the devices of each program that the award was earned in.

Unit Leader Award of Merit certificate, No. 512004 Scoutmaster emblem, No. 610093

Unit Leader Award of Merit square knot, No. 610091 Cubmaster emblem, No. 610094

Varsity coach emblem, No. 610092 Venturing Advisor emblem, No. 610095

Icon File Name Comment  
Unit leader award of merit.pdf  
Unit leader award of merit.pdf  

The Silver Beaver Award


    1. Give the full name and titles (if any) of the nominee exactly as you want them to appear on the certificate.
    2. Furnish as much information as possible for each section.
    3. Long
    4. -established policy limits the award of the Silver Beaver to adults 21 and older who are registered with the Boy Scouts of America as volunteer Scouters. Explorer leaders are eligible to be awarded the William H. Spurgeon III Award.
    5. Nominations will not be considered for current or former professional Scouters within five (5) years of their leaving employment with the BSA. Other council employees (part time or full time) are eligible to receive the Silver Beaver Award based on their volunteer service, not employed service.
    6. Nominations cannot be considered for posthumous awards.
    7. Order Silver Beaver insignia using the regular Supply order form from the Supply Group distribution center.


      of the


      Article X, Section 6, Clause 3

      Silver Beaver Award

      The Boy Scouts of America, acting through the National Court of Honor, may award the Silver Beaver for distinguished service to youth upon the following basis and procedure:

      1. Each local council may process their own annual allotment of Silver Beaver awards and shall send a list of Silver Beaver recipients presented each calendar year to the National Court of Honor no later than January 31 of the following year.
      2. The award is made for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered Scouters, Cub Scouters, Varsity Scouters, and Venturing leaders within the territory under the jurisdiction of a local council.
      3. As evidence of the award there shall be presented: a suitable certificate, duly authenticated by the Boy Scouts of America, pursuant to the action of the National Court of Honor; and a miniature Silver Beaver suspended by a blue, white, and blue ribbon to be worn around the neck.
      4. It shall be a general policy that no public announcements shall be made by the local council in advance of action by the National Court of Honor with reference to names presented for consideration.
      5. These awards shall be made to the recipients by the local council concerned in connection with its annual meeting or other public location.
      6. Each duly chartered local council shall be entitled to one nomination. Councils having more than 60 units shall be entitled to further nominations on the basis of one for each additional 60 units or fraction thereof in their territory, as of December 31 preceding the nomination, according to the records of the national office.
      7. Councils not using their full allotment in any year may accumulate the unused portion for use in any subsequent year.
      8. In extraordinary cases, the Silver Beaver Award may be made by the National Court of Honor to a Scouter upon the recommendation of the duly constituted Scouting authorities having supervision of one or more units of the Boy Scouts of America, located outside of the United States and not under the jurisdiction of a local council.

      President's Awards

      The President's Award is an award presented to individuals in recognition of outstanding service rendered to Scouting at the District and/or Council levels. This can be through support of activities, events, or programs requiring effort and involvement beyond the unit level.

      To be qualified to recieve the President's Award, the nominee must meet the following requirments:

      1. Had a minium of three years active registration in an adults's Scouter's position with a Scouting unit, district, or council.
      2. Been active at the district level or council level.
      3. Been successful in their position of prime registration.
      4. Been willing to assit in Scouting activities on any level when called upon.
      5. Has not previously received the Silver Beaver or Award of Merit.
      6. Has shown a true "Scouting Spirit" in many ways and by extra effort other than through their position of prime registration.

      Icon File Name Comment  
      Nomination for Presidents or Buckskin Award.pdf President Award application  

      GRC Award Winners

      George Rogers Clark District Awards





      The Recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least one year of tenure in the Scouting Program.  They must have shown outstanding service to their Unit, District or Council.


      Russ Baker

      Julie Blackman

      Danielle Killebrew

      Frank McPhillips

      Larry Morris

      Valerie Price

      Bryan Ray

      Eric Yates






      The recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least three years of tenure.  They must have shown outstanding service to their Unit, District or Council and shown true “Scouting Spirit.


      Paul Barr

      Donna Hublar

      Greg Powell

      Mark Schroder




      Al Holt

      Lisa Lenfert

      George Rogers Clark District Awards





      The Recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least one year of tenure in the Scouting Program.  They must have shown outstanding service to their Unit, District or Council.


      Darrell Bartels

      Jaime Bays

      Cora Filspart

      Kent Hartfield

      Milissa Malone

      Ed  Pearce

      Andy & Carla Sandifer

      Cheryl Young





      The recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least three years of tenure.  They must have shown outstanding service to their District or Council and shown true “Scouting Spirit".


      Russ Baker

      Larry Morris

      Bryan Ray

      Maria Shepard






      Sandra Parke-Topolski

      George Rogers Clark District Awards





      The Recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least one year of tenure in the Scouting Program.  They must have shown outstanding service to their Unit, District or Council.


      1.   Lynnette Barr

      2.   Jon Boone

      3.   Kenny Colwell

      4.   Glenn Davis

      5.   Pat Donovan

      6.   Kris Dunn

      7.   Kevin Flispart

      8.   Ken Heiskell

      9.   Dale Hop

      10. Janice Napier

      11. Maria Wheatley

      12. Jeff Wilson




      The recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least three years of tenure.  They must have shown outstanding service to their District or Council and shown true “Scouting Spirit".


      1.  Darrell Bartels

      2.  Jaime Bays

      3.  John Bruns

      4.  Cora Flispart

      5.  Kent Hartfield

      6.  Mary Schroder




      1.  Russ Baker

      2.  Larry Morris

      3.  Bryan Ray

      George Rogers Clark District Awards





      The Recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least one year of tenure in the Scouting Program.  They must have shown outstanding service to their Unit, District or Council.


      1.     Todd Adam

      2.     Mark Adams

      3.     Carl Alvey

      4.     David Beers

      5.     Mary Bishop

      6.     Andy Clark

      7.     Danielle Urioste Jones

      8.     Jason Meyer

      9.     Brian Oberdieck

      10.   Jeremy Owen

      11.   Shirley Zumstein

      12.   Lynn Harbeson








      The recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least three years of tenure.  They must have shown outstanding service to their District or Council and shown true “Scouting Spirit".


      1.  Kenny Colwell

      2.  Kevin Flispart

      3.  Ken Heiskell

      4.  Frank McPhillips

      5.  Jeff Wilson

      6.  Eric Yates






      1.  James Metcalf

      2.  Larry Underhill

      George Rogers Clark District Awards





      The Recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least one year of tenure in the Scouting Program.  They must have shown outstanding service to their Unit, District or Council.


      1.     Jenifer Angelini

      2.     Dave Dekold

      3.     Miriam Fallon-Seibert

      4.     Michael “Mike” Greene

      5.     Janet Graham

      6.     John Kaiser

      7.     Cynthia LaMure

      8.     Monty Lash

      9.     Sherry Lash

      10.   Greg Sartor

      11.   Dean Sparks

      12.   Richard “Rick” Theobald








      The recipient of this award must be nominated and have at least three years of tenure.  They must have shown outstanding service to their District or Council and shown true “Scouting Spirit".


      1.  Mark Adams

      2.  David Beers

      3.  Jeffrey “Jeff” Bishop

      4.  Milissa Malone

      5.  Jason Meyer







      1.  Darrell Bartels

      2.  Francis “Frank” McPhillips

      3.  Eric Yates

      Buckskin Award

      The Buckskin Award Criteria:

      The Buckskin Award is an award presented to individuals in recognition of outstanding service rendered to Scouting at the Unit level. This recognition is designed to be given to those who show support to the program beyond the normal scope of the position of their prime registration.

      To be qualified to receive the Buckskin Award, the nominee must meet the following requirements:
      1. Had a minimum of one year active registration in an adult's Scouter's position with a Scouting unit.
      2. Been active in developing and implementing unit programs.
      3. Shown a true"Scouting Spirit" in all activities.
      4. Indicates through actions and activities the probability of a continued affiliation with the Scouting program.
      Icon File Name Comment  
      Nomination for Buckskin Award ONLY.pdf Buckskin Award Application